Shahrukh Khan has always got a penchant taste for the South Indian language and the reason is because his mom hails from Hyderabad. The actor had entertained us with his few Tamil lines in 'Om Shanthi Om'. This time, he's gonna do it more than before. Yes, the Hindi version of 'Ra. One' will have more Tamil lines as the character of G. One keeps breaking into Tamil when he gets frustrated.
It is worth mentioning that the song 'Chammak Chalo' has some lines in Tamil and there are some Tamil characters in the film as well.
Moreover with Superstar Rajnikanth appearing in the role of 'Chitti Robot' is gonna set the celebrations bigger.
Mani ratnam for Shahrukh Khan
Mani ratnam and Shahrukh Khan have a strong bonding right from the time of 'Dil Se'. The filmmaker was present this morning along his wife Suhasini to launch the audio of 'Ra. One' Tamil version. Speaking on the occasion, Mani ratnam said that they have been sharing a good rapport over the ages.
It's a comeback for Shahrukh Khan in Tamil film industry after the release of 'Dil Se', which was his last movie to be released in Tamil.
Shahrukh Khan while expressing his thanks to Superstar Rajnikanth said that it was a great pleasure working with him and he owes him a lot. Also Shahrukh Khan mentioned that he will be probably meeting Rajnikanth this evening if situations are favorable.
The Tamil version of 'Ra One' will come to screens on the festive occasion of Dewali (October 26).
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