Rohit Shetty has hit jack pot with his Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Chennai Express. The director along with his star cast had gone all out to promote his film and seems like this ahs worked wonder for Rohit and team.
Chennai Express has gone on to beat the record of Raju Hirani's 3 Idiots that was released in 2009. While 3 Idiots raked in 2.7 crore in its paid previews, Chennai Express earned 6.75 crore in paid previews on Thursday (8th August), the highest till date.
Chennai Express continues to kick a storm and with trade pundits touting it to be the next big thing and predicting it to enter the 100 crore club, will the film break 3 Idiot's Net box office in India (NBOC) collection which was `202 crore?
Chennai Express has gone on to beat the record of Raju Hirani's 3 Idiots that was released in 2009. While 3 Idiots raked in 2.7 crore in its paid previews, Chennai Express earned 6.75 crore in paid previews on Thursday (8th August), the highest till date.
Chennai Express continues to kick a storm and with trade pundits touting it to be the next big thing and predicting it to enter the 100 crore club, will the film break 3 Idiot's Net box office in India (NBOC) collection which was `202 crore?
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