The shooting of Shahrukh Khan's Anubhav Sinha directed RA.ONE commenced in Goa on the auspicious day of Ram Navmi (just as we had broken the news). The venue then shifted to Film City Mumbai where an extended shooting schedule started on 18th April.
In between a few action sequences were shot in and around Mumbai (including one at a railway platform). The present locales of RA.ONE is still Film City and thanks to the generous, indulgent and highly cooperative producer SRK, the shooting is progressing flawlessly and briskly, without even a hiccup!
CHECK OUT: Shahrukh anxious about RA.ONE
As per the authentic information available with us the first leg of Indian schedule of RA.ONE is expected to be over by the first week of June, after which the scene will shift to London.
But more about that later. For now keep tuned to your favourite portal for all the genuine and factual information regarding the SRK, Kareena and Arjun starrer, RA.ONE, the biggest sci-fi movie in the history of Bollywood.
"RA.ONE progressing smoothly and briskly!"
- RA.ONE progressing smoothly and briskly! - bollywood news : (view on Google Sidewiki)
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