After Amitabh Bachchan joined the micro blogging site twitter just a few days ago, he was welcomed by SRK, with a message that would have made Big B smile, at Shahrukh's enthusiastic acknowledgement .
However, the message had come after a gap of a few days, which had led to much speculation from the media regarding their sour relationship. But, as SRK twittered, all speculations were swept below the carpet.
Yet, there were talks on how Big B had not responded to SRK's excited acknowledgement, which again went for a toss, as Big B recently responded on his blogging site a message, congratulating Shahrukh ,on achieving a whopping 400,000 followers .
Big B's message was "Shahrukh, congrats!! You crossed 400,000…meri gaadi dheeli chal rahi hai."
Big B, is registered with the micro blogging site twitter, the mobile blog and the voice blog.Reportedly, he tweets twice a day, and is already on the run to be one of the most popular personalities to be followed by fans.The two twittering towers of bollywood,have created a new furor in the blogging world.
However, Shahrukh's responses to Amitji's twitter is awaited by all his followers, and so keep a sharp eye right here, for the latest development on this front!
@SrBachchan have a name for your World. The United states of Great Bachchania, thanx for letting us be a part of it sir. love & health to u@SrBachchan oops how dare i, didnt realise u would be online & reading my pretentious attempts to create a kingdom. this is embarrassing.
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