FMCG major HUL today said it has signed on Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan as the brand ambassador for its toothpaste brand Pepsodent and is likely to launch its first campaign featuring the star this week.
"Bollywood superstar and a devoted father in real life, Shah Rukh Khan has been signed on as a brand ambassador to lead by example and drive the campaign message," Hindustan Unilever (HUL) said in a statement.
The company said the new campaign called 'Papa & Pappu' is aimed at encouraging fathers to "spend quality time with their children and make brushing more fun."
While the company has not confirmed when the campaign will be on air, it is learnt that the TVC will be launched this Friday.
According to market research firm Neilsen, Pepsodent's market share in March in volume and value terms stands at 22.
"function replycomment(divid) { var d="commentdiv"+divid; document.getElementById(d).style.display="block"; } function showpage() { alert('UMANG BANSA:'); } HUL signs Shahrukh as Pepsodent brand ambassador"
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