Film-maker Karan Johar, who is spending his 38th birthday in New York this year, is missing the company of his mother Hiroo with whom he has spent this special day every year. The film-maker also says that he is feeling funny because he is approaching 40 as he does not endorse the saying '40 is the new 30'. Karan says it's not so good a feeling that he is getting old.
"I'm really missing my mother. I have always been there with her to celebrate every birthday but this time I'm in New York and I can't be with her. There is no special plan on my birthday. I have a few friends in New York I will meet them and there's no one flying down from Mumbai. New York is like the other end of the world and I'm liking it here. You can mix with the grid. I came here to get an inspiration for my next movie. So, it's going to be a low-key birthday for me," KJo tells DNA.
The producer-director adds, "When you are 38, I'm sure birthday is just another day for you.I'm turning a year older and I'm touching 40. I don't believe in 40s are the new 30s. I just think the saying is just to comfort those who are getting old. 40s are 40s and you will never feel like the way you felt when you were in your 30s. So, I have a funny feeling in my stomach. I'm concentrating on my next film though which will be a youthful one. I want to do a fun film now."
Ask him why he's zoning towards light hearted cinema after making back to back movies like Kurbaan and My Name is Khan both dealing with terrorism and he shoots, "I have done some really heavy work and now it's time to have some fun. My Name is Khan made my head and heart heavy with its seriousness and how deep the issue was and it has taken a lot of time to come out of that space. That's why I came out of Mumbai too as I had clear my head to think new. In Mumbai there's no time to think for my next as I always have something or the other to do. I hope I stumble upon something soon."
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