Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan said that Indians by nature are more tolerant and as such by and large religious radicalisation is not accepted in India's society.
"I think Indians by nature like people and they're compromising and understanding. Is what I'd like to believe, really," Shah Rukh told in an interview when asked why Indian Muslims are not radicalised as that in the neighbouring countries.
"I think the secret lies within the way Indians are. We as people are more compromising and understanding. We do give a chance to everyone to say their point of view, listen to it, and not react really radically.
Of course there will be sections which do it and that permeates to the Muslims, to the Hindus, to the Christians, to every, you know, section in our society
I would like to believe it's like that. But I think that's the main reason," Shah Rukh observed.
"Yes, of course," he said, when asked if he thinks that there is a tendency towards radicalism, violence, within Islam right now that worries him.
"I mean, somewhere down the line, religion can be very easily misused. And I think I would like to really believe as a modern person that it's the lack of education that is there in large sections of the Islamic world.
I think the youth needs to be educated in world matters, apart from their religion. I mean, it's really wonderful to learn your religion.
I think it's fantastic for everyone to have a discipline whichever that maybe, and respect each other that way," he was quoted as saying by CNN.
"But I think it's also very important to be educated in worldly affairs.
If they do, they will not be misled.
I think, most of these places that we'll talk about and radicals coming from, you would know this, that there's a huge gap between the educated and uneducated.
Most of the uneducated may be falling in the category of, you know, having a religion, by religion being Muslims.
So, I think that is the main reason," Khan argued.
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