MUMBAI: Cricket legend and former Pakistani Captain Wasim Akram met Kolkata Knight Rider's owner Shah Rukh Khan's residence in Mumbai on Akram is one of the leading contenders for the job of the coach of the Knight Riders. Earlier in the day former India coach Sandip Patil met the Bollywood actor at his residence. John Wright and Andrew Pybus are also vying for the high profile coaching job of the IPL team. However former Indian skipper Sourav Ganguly who wanted Akram to be India's bowling coach during his tenure as skipper was not present at the meeting at Mannat. Earlier, Akram had expressed his keenness to coach the KKR team. The former captain said he has received a call from Shah Rukh's secretary, inviting him for a "chat" to discuss a coaching assignment with the Knight Riders on August 30. "Sunday, I will be there for sure and I am keen. I am ready. Check me out," said Akram, who has emerged as a strong contender for the job. "I have never done formal coaching before. It is a different skill and is honed over a period of time. It requires a lot of patience and that is something I have acquired over a period of time. Source: TimesofIndia | ||
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