The official website of the latest Shahrukh Khan movie Ra.One was hacked into by unidentified persons on Thursday. The website was not accessible just three days after its first look release on Tuesday. "Yes, the website has been hacked into and we are looking at fixing it up very soon but the technical experts who have designed the site are presently not in town, so we are waiting for them to return to the city," said a spokesperson from Red Chillies entertainment, Shahrukh Khan's production company.
There are several other sites which were created for the movie Ra.One. Another website named was also hacked into. This website was defaced and the hackers posted a comment on the homepage. The posted comment read (sic) "SeeKer was here!!! A news has reched to me that s0me of indian Lamers hack Pak press club. Listen u script Kiddies . Stop hacking Paki sites or u will darely pay. If u start this War then u will have no control of it. This is only a Dem0 to all of u suckers. If any other Paki site will hack by u then We will response and f**K ur cyber space Greetz Mr.Creepy,Shadow008 and ME XD".
The sites which have been attacked by the hackers were chosen randomly when their names matched with those to the movie. Hence not only the official website, but also fan sites and other sites carrying similar names were hacked into and defaced.
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