Though he was as charming as always, questions on Salman and his own number one status didn't go down too well with Shah Rukh Khan. The superstar who launched Kanika Dhillion's book 'Bombay Duck is a Fish', set the record straight for the umpteenth time.
"Questions on Salman and I are getting too boring and I don't think anyone wants to even read it', said Shah Rukh sounding slightly irritated when questioned about his rivalry with Salman.
He added, "I did say I play G.One in as G stands for Gauri and One for me but it was all said in good humour. No one has to then think if I do consider myself number one! Having said that I have worked hard for 20 years and I need people to be responsible before asking such questions."
"I may break into a fight with you" joked Shah Rukh with a reporter when he was again asked on his tiff with Salman.
"Questions on Salman and I are getting too boring and I don't think anyone wants to even read it', said Shah Rukh sounding slightly irritated when questioned about his rivalry with Salman.
He added, "I did say I play G.One in as G stands for Gauri and One for me but it was all said in good humour. No one has to then think if I do consider myself number one! Having said that I have worked hard for 20 years and I need people to be responsible before asking such questions."
"I may break into a fight with you" joked Shah Rukh with a reporter when he was again asked on his tiff with Salman.
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