Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who launched Indian writer Kanika Dhillon's novel 'Bombay Duck is a Fish' here, says the book reminded him of his journey in the tinsel town from television series 'Fauji' to his latest venture ''.
"For me, 'Bombay Duck..' was a call from the past. It reminded me of my own journey from Jamia Milia to Fauji to Ra.One. Kanika's writing style is part satire, part drama, part humour and part realism. For all those who believe dreams do come true, this one's a must-read," Shah Rukh told reporters.
Although SRK pursued a Masters Degree in Mass Communications at Jamia Millia Islamia, he later opted out to make a career in Bollywood. Shah Rukh made his acting debut in 1988 when he appeared in TV soap 'Fauji', playing the role of Commando Abhimanyu Rai. Presently, the actor is busy giving final touches to his home production '', a science fiction due for release on October 26.
The novel traces the journey of small towner Neki Brar, who like countless other star struck people, leaves her MNC job and comes to Bombay to make it big in the film industry.
Neki is in pursuit of being a film-maker. In Bombay, Neki encounters everything - love, friendship, betrayal, success, humiliation. It is an insider's perspective on what goes behind the scenes while shooting a film.
The book which is a debut novel of Kanika is published by Westland Ltd and Gautam Padmanabhan, CEO Westland.
"This book is very close to my heart not only because it is my first book but in some way it reminisces of my feelings for this city. Neki's journey is one that a lot of people will sympathise and connect with. The lure of Bollywood is also an engaging appeal," Kanika said.
'Bombay Duck is a Fish' is not about creating an identity, it is about finding or losing yourself along the way and relishing the journey whose destination is Bombay, she said.
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