The Kochadaiiyaan audio release function seems to have got bigger with Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan agreeing to grace the music release event. He will be in Chennai for a few hours this Sunday (March 9). The news has been confirmed by none other than Soundarya Ashwin. The director has said that when she invited Shahrukh Khan, he readily agreed to be part of the audio release function. Indeed, the Bollywood superstar went on to say that it is like his film function and he will definetly make it to the function. "I called him (Shahrukh Khan) to come for the function, and he instantly agreed. He told me, 'it's like my film' and that he'll surely be there," Soundarya Ashwin told the Times of India. On Twitter, she wrote, "I thank you with all my heart for agreeing to
be here with us on our special day :)..lots of love! Shah rukh ji is our chief guest!" It goes without saying that Shahrukh Khan is a fan of Rajinikanth. Their friendship has grown by leap and bounds over the years. The Bollywood actor had earlier roped in the Tamil superstar to act in a cameo in his prestigious film Ra.One. The King Khan had also paid his tribute to the Endhiran actor in his next film Chennai Express through the song 'Lungi dance'.
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The Kochadaiiyaan audio release function seems to have got bigger with Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan agreeing to grace the music release event. He will be in Chennai for a few hours this Sunday (March 9). The news has been confirmed by none other than Soundarya Ashwin. The director has said that when she invited Shahrukh Khan, he readily agreed to be part of the audio release function. Indeed, the Bollywood superstar went on to say that it is like his film function and he will definetly make it to the function. "I called him (Shahrukh Khan) to come for the function, and he instantly agreed. He told me, 'it's like my film' and that he'll surely be there," Soundarya Ashwin told the Times of India. On Twitter, she wrote, "I thank you with all my heart for agreeing to
be here with us on our special day :)..lots of love! Shah rukh ji is our chief guest!" It goes without saying that Shahrukh Khan is a fan of Rajinikanth. Their friendship has grown by leap and bounds over the years. The Bollywood actor had earlier roped in the Tamil superstar to act in a cameo in his prestigious film Ra.One. The King Khan had also paid his tribute to the Endhiran actor in his next film Chennai Express through the song 'Lungi dance'.
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