This Sunday, Shah Rukh Khan will be in the chennai — to participate in the audio launch of Rajinikanth's Kochadaiiyaan. Confirming the news, the film's director, Soundarya Rajnikanth Ashwin, said, "I called him (Shah Rukh) to come for the function, and he instantly agreed. He told me, 'It's like my film' and that he'll surely be there." It's well known that the Baadshah of Bollywood is a huge fan of Rajinikanth. While he roped in the Superstar to make a cameo appearance in RA. One, he performed a 'Thalaivar Tribute' (Lungi Dance) in his film, Chennai Express.
At an audio listening session of the songs of the film, lyricist Vairamuthu revealed how Rajini initially refused to sing the Maattram Ondrudaan Maaraadhadhu number. "We (Rajini and I) had worked on the lyrics of this philosophical song for almost a week. We came up with hundreds of lines - that were a message to the audience. And then, once Rajini recited it, it gave the lines new life," he said.
The lyricist added, "Rajini has a way with words — I feel that he should write dialogues for his next film. If he's willing, I will encourage him to do so."
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