It is common news by now that Shah Rukh Khan is a massive hit on Twitter. In just 10 days, he has managed to get 68,000 followers, beating all the opening records. Along with this, SRK has also managed to break into the Twitter top-50 Re-tweet List.
This is the first time ever any Indian has managed to break into the top-50 list, and trust the Badshah of Bollywood to do the impossible.
The Twitter re-tweet rank is calculated by the site, and tells the number of times a user has been re-tweeted by others recently.
The top ranked twitter users, who have been most re-tweeted recently, are listed in the leader board on the site. These people are certainly producing most interesting content across the twittersphere, and we finally have an Indian on that list!
Currently, SRK is at number 40th on that list, and it is probably a matter of time, he cracks the top-10. What do you say?
This is the first time ever any Indian has managed to break into the top-50 list, and trust the Badshah of Bollywood to do the impossible.
The Twitter re-tweet rank is calculated by the site, and tells the number of times a user has been re-tweeted by others recently.
Currently, SRK is at number 40th on that list, and it is probably a matter of time, he cracks the top-10. What do you say?
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