The Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan, who is currently in South Africa at the World Cup with his two sweet children is residing, and probably between the Netherlands and the Spanish national football team does not miss out on finals which will come, is truly the "King Khan" of Bollywood.
This is the sympathetic Shahrukh Khan was not only familiar with his film "My Name Is Khan" demonstrate, but also with his new superhero movie "Ra.One", to which many fans of Bollywood films with SRK and looking forward celebrated Bollywood superstar already having a huge success.
While the superhero film "Ra.One is to be" almost shot and Shahrukh Khan allegedly on his return not many scenes in this modern, technically advanced film must turn, has now announced that Eros International is a rather impressive sum for the rights to "Ra.One have paid."
Thus, "is Ra.One" by and with Shahrukh Khan, as it were already spoken for and no later than early next year you can count on the superhero movie from Bollywood. This year, the new SRK movie not be published - at least the latest information on "Ra.One.
But Reliance Big Pictures to beat enormously and are now owned by Reche, so to speak of "Don 2" - for an equally impressive sum, Big Pictures allegedly had paid even more than with Reliance for the currently ongoing movie "Kites". In addition, the shooting for 'Don 2' Farhan Akhtar launched soon under the director already.
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