The Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan will inaugurate The Raviz Kollam, on August 19th, 2011 at Methiil, Kollam. The Raviz is a five-star hotel property with seven star facilities standing on the banks of the Ashtamudi lake. Dr B Ravi Pillai, a Padma Shri laureate and Bahrain based industrialist is the Managing director and Chairman of ' Raviz'.
Superstar Mohanlal would officially release the Raviz hotel logo at the function which would be inaugurated by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy. The Union minister for tourism, Subodh Kant Sahay, will dedicate the hotel property to the public and the Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs, Vayalar Ravi, will deliver the keynote address.
As per buzzes Megastar Mammootty would also be there to colour the ceremony.
The Leader of the Opposition, V S Achuthanandan, will inaugurate the convention centre attached to the hotel. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Kingdom of Bahrain, Mr Hassan Fakhro, will launch a guest house attached to the hotel.
The Raviz sports a blend of colonial and traditional Travancore architecture and has been designed by noted architect Eugene Pandala. The Hotel has been set up in 6 acres and taken 12 long years to complete.
Kerala Ministers like K.M. Mani, K.B.Ganesh Kumar, President's Principal Secretary Christie Fernadez, Pinarayi Vijayan are some of the attendees.
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