It's confirmed now: Shah Rukh's Khan's forthcoming film, directed by Yash Chopra, is not titled London Ishq. It was a rumour that appeared out of nowhere a while ago leading many to believe this piece of news. A source says, "It is surprising to see such news spread especially when the media has been duly presented with a lot of information about the film. In fact, there are even stills of Shah Rukh and Katrina Kaif that have been released to the media, which is very uncharacteristic of the Yash Raj banner, that's known to be a stickler for privacy, especially during the making of a film." The production house is not very pleased with such rumours, even though it gave the film its fair share of publicity. So YRF has been prompt in issuing a formal statement by Rafiq Gangjee, vice president, saying, "No, London Ishq is not the title of the film." So keep guessing!
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