The 'Baadshah of Bollywood' turns 46 today. And, amid all the wishes pouring in on his birthday, Shah Rukh Khan is riding high on the success of his latest film, Ra.One. But, becoming a superstar in Bollywood hasn't exactly been a cake walk for him. After learning acting from theatre director Barry John, he acted in serials on small screen and later made it big on the 70mm with his hit film, Baazigar.
Though, many know Shah Rukh Khan as an actor, but very few know him as a person, as a loving husband and a doting father. So, we take you through his personal journey from being a regular Delhi guy to the Superstar of Bollywood.
Shah Rukh Khan met his lady love, Gauri at a party and fell head over heels for her.
Winning against all the odds, Shahrukh married Gauri on October 25, 1991.
When he is not shooting, the actor loves to spend time with his kids, Aryan and Suhana.
Seen here with his family; he is a loving husband and a doting father.
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