On Sunday, November 30, Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol will head down to Mumbai's Film City to shoot an episode of the television show Comedy Nights with Kapil . The special appearance by the two Bollywood stars will mark 19 years since their 1995 romantic blockbuster Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge was released. According to IBTimes, the actors will share memories and anecdotes about the making of the film. "Comedy Nights is the perfect platform for the celebration, considering that DDLJ was the first film to have a thirty minute television show chronicling its making which was telecast on the national broadcaster Doordarshan," said a recent news report in the daily newspaper Mumbai Mirror. DDLJ , one of India's best-loved films, will also complete a 1,000-week run at Mumbai's Maratha Mandir cinema on December 12. DDLJ has been showing at the 50-year-old cinema daily since October 20, 1995. In a recent interview with The National , the cinema owner Manoj Desai ...
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