Actor Shah Rukh Khan may be the Badshah of Bollywood, but currently this King Khan is on the lookout for his Queen Bee who'll match him step-by-step and do justice to his 25 crore-plus-mega project, Ra 1, being produced under his own banner, Red Chillies Entertainment. Ra 1 is touted to be a science fiction film, full of stunts and adventure. Shah Rukh plays a superhero in this Anubhav Sinha directed venture, and claims that he's doing this for the kids, especially his own.
However, the big question is: Who'll play Shah Rukh's ladylove in this adventure motion picture? Reliable sources informed us that the likes of Katrina Kaif, Aishwarya Rai, Kareena Kapoor, and Priyanka Chopra were being considered for the 'post'.
However, the big question is: Who'll play Shah Rukh's ladylove in this adventure motion picture? Reliable sources informed us that the likes of Katrina Kaif, Aishwarya Rai, Kareena Kapoor, and Priyanka Chopra were being considered for the 'post'.
Source: movies.indiatimes
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