Shah Rukh Khan has been the brand ambassador for Hyundai cars ever since the company made its foray in the Indian market with its model Hyundai Santro. He currently endorses i10 brand and Hyundai is now writing a new script with SRK. It is believed that the film star is actively involved in the story writing and scripting of the ad as his inputs are greatly valued by the company.
Shah Rukh Khan said: "Many of the companies I represent take feedback from me. I use these the Hyundai I can give a creative suggestion. In most of the scripting and advertising I do take a very active call." The latest i10 commercial that will be aired before Diwali will have substantial inputs from SRK.
"Normally for a commercial, the story and script is developed and decided by Hyundai and its advertising agency – Innocean," said the Hyundai spokesperson . "Once the story board is decided it is shared with SRK and at times he gives his inputs and suggestions about the production or dialogues so that it adds value to the entire script or story. For this particular ad also the same procedure was followed."
The new product will be established as chic, urbane and reliable and will be positioned as family oriented mass car.
Source: CartradeIndia
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