Prior to his first India visit, Jermaine's one-point contact in Bollywood was his ex-Big Brother housemate Shilpa Shetty. "Shilpa's like a sister to me and we were each other's support throughout the show. We kept in touch even after the show ended," he says.
Having been in India for three weeks now, the singer is happy at the successful completion of the video, which brought him here. "I wrote this song, Let's go to crystal city that we later changed to Let's go to Mumbai city. We shot the video in different locations across Mumbai. It was a great experience to see the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Gateway of India, the slums and railway stations. We even went to a mosque," he says.
Having worked on the video with musician Adnan Sami, he says, "I'd [originally] planned to do this song with my brother, Michael."
Source: TOI
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