Mumbai: Besides being a pro at wowing all with his charm, Shah Rukh Khan is also deft at taking the 'Khan-dan' to greater heights. The megastar, having become a major pillar of Bollywood, is fast becoming a fighter of causes. First he took the detention-incident to air his wittily thinking side, now he is honing his double-edged sentences to be even more pregnant with meaning.
Talking about his upcoming film 'My Name Is Khan', he defended his role perfectly. The golden couple Kajol-SRK is here again to considerable promise, but allegations of having lifted the theme from a Holywood flick are abuzz, too.
SRK told a news daily, "The Indian media is quick to jump to conclusions. They say it's a desi 'Rain Man.' I say 'Rain Man' was about an autistic man, this one is about guy who is afflicted with the asperger syndrome. The intellectuals are making things too complex; we need simple guys like Khan to solve the issues of the world."
Who can say it better than you, King-Khan. Now only the film remains to be seen to judge if the director does justice to what you say!
Source: Spicezee
Talking about his upcoming film 'My Name Is Khan', he defended his role perfectly. The golden couple Kajol-SRK is here again to considerable promise, but allegations of having lifted the theme from a Holywood flick are abuzz, too.
SRK told a news daily, "The Indian media is quick to jump to conclusions. They say it's a desi 'Rain Man.' I say 'Rain Man' was about an autistic man, this one is about guy who is afflicted with the asperger syndrome. The intellectuals are making things too complex; we need simple guys like Khan to solve the issues of the world."
Who can say it better than you, King-Khan. Now only the film remains to be seen to judge if the director does justice to what you say!
Source: Spicezee
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