New Delhi: Kolkata-based FMCG company Emami has renewed its contract with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan for its men`s grooming product, `Fair and Handsome` as part of a strategy to make it a Rs 200-crore brand in the next two-three years. "Our association with Shah Rukh Khan has been very rewarding. We have renewed the contract with him for the next two years," Emami Director Aditya Agarwal told reporters. Khan was signed up as the brand ambassador of the product in 2007. Agarwal claimed that `Fair and Handsome` brand has been one of the largest selling men`s grooming product in the country and has already crossed over Rs 100 crore sales over the last three years. "With the changing trend, men`s outlook on grooming have also changed. Our product has been doing very well and we expect that in the next two-three years, it will be a Rs 200 crore brand," he said. Agarwal said the company is also planing to expand the product offering under the 4-year-old brand by introducing more items under it in the future. "We will be extending the brand with new launches and we are also working on a new marketing campaign," he said. Agarwal said the company is currently shooting for a new television commercial with Khan which may be on air in the next 15-20 days.
Source: spicezee
Source: spicezee
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