Shah Rukh Khan's IPL team, Kolkata Knight Riders faced their fourth loss of the tournament on Monday. They were beaten by Delhi Daredevils by 40 runs. The loss has not gone well with Shah Rukh Khan, who openly expressed his disappointment.
The actor wrote on the micro-blogging site Twitter, "This loss was due to toss. The last hitch becos of pitch. Time for excuses is over. Either we play better or keep being deserving losers."
That wasn't all. He further wrote, "Am disappointed & will try and sleep this disappoinment off. Hope the team introspects & comes back strong. Professionals can do that."
Kolkata Knight Riders have to play the rest of tournament really well if they want a place in the semi-finals. SRK can perhaps make them watch his famous '70 minute' speech from 'Chak De! India' for motivation. What say?
The actor wrote on the micro-blogging site Twitter, "This loss was due to toss. The last hitch becos of pitch. Time for excuses is over. Either we play better or keep being deserving losers."
That wasn't all. He further wrote, "Am disappointed & will try and sleep this disappoinment off. Hope the team introspects & comes back strong. Professionals can do that."
Kolkata Knight Riders have to play the rest of tournament really well if they want a place in the semi-finals. SRK can perhaps make them watch his famous '70 minute' speech from 'Chak De! India' for motivation. What say?
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