Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday launched the autobiography of tennis star Sania Mirza titled 'Ace Against Odds'. "Genuinelly...I feel that the more love we show to our girls ...the more love we show to our women and the more love and respect we show to our ladies ... believe me, we will have many more achievements which are world class like Sania's," the 50-year-old actor said. "Have a lot of respect ...geniuelly, I am telling you there are no bigger achiever's than women in this world," the "Dilwale" star said. "She (Sania) is the 'rani' of racket'," he quipped. "Sania has done more than anyone else to make our country proud. We would remember people like P T Usha, Mary Kom and Sania Mirza who have led the way for lots of boys and girls to take up sports as a professional career and make our country even prouder," Shah Rukh added. "I couldn't have thought of a better person to do i...
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