There's no denying that Shah Rukh Khan-starrer 'Fan' has already created a buzz with the first two teasers becoming a hit. But with the release of its trailer, it has created the magic all over again. Directed by Maneesh Sharma, the film has been shot in various locations in Mumbai, Croatia and Delhi. The film boasts of a unique story line revolving around a fan, who turns out to be the exact lookalike of his favorite star. It's not just the basic story line that grips you, it's also the minute detailing of the character and how he establishes an obsessive relationship with his most-admired actor that will urge you to watch it. Even if you aren't an SRK fan, this trailer will make you want to take out time for this one! Needless to say, the film itself is a testimony to Bollywood superstar's success. Starring Waluscha De Sousa and Supriya Pilgaonkar in pivotal roles, the film is slated to release on April 15, 2016. SRK may have been ate by over an hour to la...
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