Shah Rukh Khan will start shooting for his ambitious film Chennai Express much before the scheduled date, so that he can support his KKR team at the Champions League. The film directed by Rohit Shetty was earlier supposed to go on the floors in October-end but will now start from September 27. A source informs, "SRK has given the dates for the film in September. It is a 20-day schedule, as he wants to be present when his cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders takes on other teams at this year's Champions League in South Africa. Earlier this year, KKR won the Indian Premier League for the first time making them hot favorites to win the Champions League as well. Shah Rukh wants to watch some of the final matches and so has decided to be in South Africa during that time. So the film has been rescheduled to September end. A massive set will be constructed at Bandra's Mehboob Studio from September 1 for the film." The source further said, "Rohit was als...
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